Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chhnang Wan Xi

Mr. Wu Xuan Interview Essentials: Literature is neutral and eternal

2011 年 1 月 21 pm 2:30, the outstanding writer, I had the medal to Wuxuan pedagogue queried a answer, whether I or additional users to respond the question, Wu rapidly to a gifted teacher and profound response. His words on the future of reading and writing Shenju instructive.


grass White: Wuxuan teacher, hi, as a novelist, you usually ambition be rooting around the reading is not fiction not related to some books? say about animals and factories, ah, ah medicine, geography, etc. ah, and base some interesting entities, and what you must create connection, your inspiration will not be reading this regard? your current hand forever look on the books, what does? I hope my question does not comprise seclusion, regardless of bound to answer.:)

Wuxuan: As a novelist, I think the light readings of non-fiction novel than reading may be more important. I especially like the sub-culture writings. such as .
may be a novel involving a lot of asset, like the current novel, rarely saw no narration to sex, such as writing, in addition to other than their own sensibilities, if you read some of the history of some of these asset will be very interesting details, will boost the thickness and breadth of the novel, whether reading on the ecology of this outlook will be assorted. So I think that is still very important to read light readings.
important than fiction.

Mak Montreal : - From non-fiction books for inspiration. Thank you Wu!

Dear Miss Teacher: I am the founder of Guangxi. to share a infrequent opportunity to ask you a question: how to deal with the underlying writer or how to handle with the difficulties that the survival needs of the conflict and writing? a writer, said: go out, then write at the negate effects?

Wuxuan: too difficult to survive a great clash on the writing, but the terminal analysis, the survival level writing and writing difficulties there are differences, the underlying notion of writing or writing in the final inquiry, however, that kinds of writing ideas in theory and suspicious.
whether I think a great writer or a writer, young writer, and his stay is a small or massive places where there is no relationship between the main idea is to see by his scholastic big or small.
favor what I told him well, he was standing in front contemporary literature, is a very important writer, he is not with the Guangxi does not matter, he is a large writer jotting in Chinese.

White Grass: Wuxuan teacher, you have said a word, as a novelist, his life, to write a major work is ample (to that effect), may I ask you this important work has been completed ? If not, while completed it, we'll be reading it.:)

Wuxuan: I think a work is ample, may be a work, it may be that numerous writers have only one life to topics, such as Ernest Hemingway, is constantly in major their fable is a work.
for each writer,toronto escorts, his so-called important works have been completed can not be said definitely, always in the future.

Lijia Chun: I have read from the network to the ,

2011 Comments and other types of literary writing, but also issued a declaration 1,and straight, Wuxuan teacher, I like what you write , what do you think fiction is good fiction? appraisal of the text was divided into the artistic value and historical value, what do you think? 3, I think you've read a lot of Western literature, these with the exploration of your writing What kind of relationship? can give us to some of you feel good novel?
Wuxuan: 1 back: may still be read on a morsel with these secluded relations .2 back: I think a good novel is a unique view of life and detect novel, a good novel is like a human, is a alive, so the novel in common, premier artistic value, the so-called historical value is not die, is become like a alive mummy, the historical value of .3 is back: This is not only me, basically our generation to read the background can be said to the West, writing is the source of the West. For example, after pioneer and modern, it is completely from the West. I recently saw a French writer in Tucson, flame fuel: your important work, Interest in the little people, the language of modernity to browse ways and directions, for the bbs, literature sweethearts, is attractive. Will Wuxuan teacher, your writing is a way of what most entangled state?

Wu Xuan: Writing at the beginning, not the direction of a work, do not know where to go, a work that is slowly fashioning in misgiving.

Chhnang Wan Xi: Wuxuan teachers, many of the best writers from the Pioneer to be matter-of-fact, you've been pioneering it? have had long hair and wrote poems to stay? hey, the eighties the trend of the pioneering tentative fiction writing you have no practical effect? ​​

Wuxuan: It seems to stay also long hair also wrote poetry. I think I was 80 the heiress to one of the pioneer novel, I was the spiritual heir, little do the experiment in the txt.

Wu Police soldiers: What namely disturbed. For example, in prose, namely absence of available substance on his go have likewise not satisfied. tin be said namely these problems, because starters would be a dilemma. then established as a novice, it ought be how to get rid of it were difficulties it?
In increase, you have access to earlier literature, to hear to you speak about the creative context of the current novel What do you calculate you?

Wuxuan: This shows that the author advances Otherwise, this problem does not occur.
present-day novels on the material if the environment is concerned, is good to spiritual measurement to words, quite wrong. The spirit of the periods seem quite meager, it might be for a writer fatal.

West a little money: Xieyou Shun in his treatise, once said, teachers of this argument accede? that the position for modern Chinese fiction, Wu there, what ideas, or your ideal of poems do not quite know, so the approximation is not good.

current novel, I think somehow, it is prefer mediocre, the writer seems to have not motif of ​​the reality in which the so-called Da Quanzi. ideal of not a shadow of reality, yet a separate world.

song Vatican: 1, a recent legend, Oddities and interest to a level, hoping that the ingredients of writing short stories. troubling is that this expression tends to tell stories, play the information text within these discounts. Miss teacher, how do you view the sum of information issues stories? your short stories more? 2, to urge you to keep writing what is the motivation?

Wuxuan: 1 back: my little short. I feel like your problem, Write a generation spirit, nevertheless the story looks good, but not only the story.

Bian Jianxin Song: Will Miss Teacher: Why do so many writers from Borges, nearer and nearer, the extra away from the Lu Xun and more distant?

Wuxuan: I do not think a lot of writers from Borges getting closer, even whereas you discern Borges, in truth, they are far away from Borges. As for Lu Xun's distance, in such a cynical old, and of lesson can not be close.
I like to see Borges, but it does not say to him very close. Borges is a language play game, all butme kind of intellectual game, but the writing route is not broad, and most human do not go in mobbed.
As Lu Xun, Lu Xun that may apply to the study.

Chhnang Wan Xi: 1, Wuxuan how teachers see daily in writing, can recommend some more good essays do you think of it? 2, how do you think costing time in the literature, in the spirit of the age of both heterogeneous and barren, What literature absences Timing ?

Wuxuan: 1 back: I think may be a long-term pursuance of perpetual merits, and a short phase of time not so much.

eagle: Wuxuan teacher, your writing is to write at night or during the daytime and write more and more? state of good How many words can be written when the day?

Wuxuan: night, also one thousand words a good state.

Lake penny: the spirit of the times has convert a poor situation, is probably a good novelist can The ones who break the chains, but the problem is behind, how to break it?

Wuxuan: this problem is not fair China, but is global, as to how to break really do not know, wish to have livestock there.

Bian Jianxin Song: Wu, please talk from the viewpoint of amending, the moment in which poetry is your poetry good?

Wuxuan: I feel that the moment of poetry too vocational, I am a male I'm apologetic about writing fiction poetry.

balcony: I think literature can not isolate ourselves, not pure literature and non-pure literature of the points, only the renowned literature and artistic literature of the points, and popular literature is really a manifestation of the quality or qualities.

Wuxuan: I agree. Literature has divided the public and a small minority. does not necessarily pure or impure. < br>
song Vatican: how do you see a writer of the classical heritage?

Wuxuan: If there is,toronto escorts, very good. it would be competent to present the literature and classic literature, docking, and in fact, the 2 who is broken.

Wuxuan Wenzhou, Zhejiang, 1966. His main works are Times

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